Click on a topic below to quick travel to that category.
2471 East Main Street, Plainfield, IN 46168
(800) 403-0864
Brownsburg Blessing Boxes
Blessing boxes contain non-perishable food items and personal care items and are restocked on a regular basis. Residents who are going through a difficult season may visit these boxes at any time and anonymously take what is needed. Locations:
1) Residence, 187 Sycamore St. // 2) Town of Brownsburg Police Dept. 61 N. Green Street // 3) Brownsburg Church of the Nazarene 523 Locust Street // 4) Meaningful Day Services 225 S. School St. // 5) Calvery United Methodist Church 575 W. Northfield Dr. // 6) Carpenter Realtors 301 E. Northfield Dr.
Hendricks County Meals on Wheels
(317) 745-3469
Meals on Wheels is a non-profit organization that promotes good health, independence and eases loneliness for homebound seniors in our community. Volunteers deliver meals to those who cannot prepare meals for themselves due to illness, disability or age. A team of registered dietitians at Hendricks Regional Health plan and prepare the meals.
Hendricks County WIC Program
247 South Wayne Street, Danville, IN 46122
(317) 745-2027
Provide supplemental high nutrient foods to pregnant or breast-feeding women and infants and children to age 5. Income guidelines and proof of guardianship apply.
Purdue Extension- Hendricks County
1900 E. Main St. // P.O. Box 7 , Danville, IN 46122-0007
Provides nutrition education, classes, and coordinates local food pantry coalition.
2471 East Main Street, Plainfield, IN 46168
(800) 403-0864
Brownsburg Blessing Boxes
Blessing boxes contain non-perishable food items and personal care items and are restocked on a regular basis. Residents who are going through a difficult season may visit these boxes at any time and anonymously take what is needed. Locations:
1) Residence, 187 Sycamore St. // 2) Town of Brownsburg Police Dept. 61 N. Green Street // 3) Brownsburg Church of the Nazarene 523 Locust Street // 4) Meaningful Day Services 225 S. School St. // 5) Calvery United Methodist Church 575 W. Northfield Dr. // 6) Carpenter Realtors 301 E. Northfield Dr.
Hendricks County Meals on Wheels
(317) 745-3469
Meals on Wheels is a non-profit organization that promotes good health, independence and eases loneliness for homebound seniors in our community. Volunteers deliver meals to those who cannot prepare meals for themselves due to illness, disability or age. A team of registered dietitians at Hendricks Regional Health plan and prepare the meals.
Hendricks County WIC Program
247 South Wayne Street, Danville, IN 46122
(317) 745-2027
Provide supplemental high nutrient foods to pregnant or breast-feeding women and infants and children to age 5. Income guidelines and proof of guardianship apply.
Purdue Extension- Hendricks County
1900 E. Main St. // P.O. Box 7 , Danville, IN 46122-0007
Provides nutrition education, classes, and coordinates local food pantry coalition.
Hendricks County Food Pantry Coalition
The Hendricks County Food Pantry Coalition was established in 2006 to enhance the collaborative efforts of Hendricks County food pantries to help meet basic nutritional needs of residents and to provide training and education to the affiliated pantries by working through its members and other supporting agencies. Below, you will find a county-wide schedule for food pantries.
The Hendricks County Food Pantry Coalition was established in 2006 to enhance the collaborative efforts of Hendricks County food pantries to help meet basic nutritional needs of residents and to provide training and education to the affiliated pantries by working through its members and other supporting agencies. Below, you will find a county-wide schedule for food pantries.
Storehouse Food Pantry
4794 Vine St. Amo, IN. 46103
3rd Saturday of the month 10am-12pm
Clay Township Residents only.
Faith Lutheran Church - Food Pantry
5706 E. CR. 100 North, Avon IN 46123
1st Friday of the Month 5pm-7pm,
3rd Saturday of the month, 9am – 11 am or by appt.
“Choice Pantry” open to all – ID required.
Harvest Food Pantry (The Journey Church)
5250 E. US Hwy 36, Ste. 430, Avon, IN, 46123
The 1st and 3rd Monday of every month 5:00pm-7:00pm.
Light & Life Food Pantry
8264 E Co Rd 100 S, Avon IN 46123
Monday’s 1:30 pm – 4 pm; last Monday 3:30pm-6pm
Hendricks County Residents; One visit per month;
must provide photo ID.
Our Shepherd Lutheran - Food Pantry
9201 E Co Rd 100 N, Avon IN 46123
1st and 3rd Saturday 10 am – 12pm
One visit per month
Hendricks/ Marion County Zip codes:
46231 & 46234.
*Pet Food Pantry open during food pantry hours when
product is available.
Mary Lee Maier Community Pantry
Avon Intermediate School West
Thursday’s 5:00pm – 6:00pm
*Serving Avon School District families & employees.
BCSC Food & Clothing Pantry
Brownsburg Community School Corporation
725 S Green Street, Door 7A, Brownsburg, IN 46112
(317)852-5726 x2071
1st, 3rd and 5th Thursday from 3:00-5:30
Brownsburg School Families
Cornerstone Christian Church - Food Pantry
8930 N State Rd 267
Brownsburg IN 46112
1st and 3rd Saturday each month from 9-11 am
Brownsburg Residents Only.
Current Photo ID required; One Visit per Month.
Messiah Lutheran - Food Pantry
801 S Green St, Brownsburg IN 46112
Saturday’s 10am-12pm
Hendricks County Residents; One visit per month.
Active Grace Food & Hygiene Pantry
10740 E. Co Rd 700 S., Camby, IN. 46113
Open Tuesday’s 5pm-7pm; Thursday’s Noon – 2pm
Serving all of Central Indiana
Mill Creek Christian Support Center - Food Pantry
95 East Kentucky St., Clayton, IN 46118
Open every Tuesday 5 pm – 7 pm
Mill Creek school district residents only.
Hazelwood Christian Church - Food Pantry
9947 S Co Rd 0, Clayton IN 46118
3rd Monday, 1 pm – 3:00 pm
Valid ID required.
Coatesville Food Pantry
5009 S Milton St. Coatesville IN 46121
2nd Saturday, 10am – 12 noon
Serves Coatesville.
Whitestone Food Pantry
8045 W US 36, Coatesville, IN 46121
317-539-6029 / 317-223-7979
1st Saturday of month 9 am – 10:30 am
3rd Wednesday 5 pm – 6:30 pm
Marion & Floyd Twp. / Hendricks & Putnam Co.
Abundant Life Food Pantry
1003 W. Lincoln St. Danville, IN 46122
1st Friday of the Month 5pm-7pm (Food Pantry Only)
2nd Thursday of the Month, Seniors 55+, 12pm –
2pm; 54 & Under 5pm- 7pm (Clothing/Food Pantry)
Chronic Health Club
779 E Main Street Danville, IN, 46122
Phone: 317-745-5330
Monday thru Friday: 8AM to 7PM
Saturday: 9AM to 12PM
At the Chronic Health Club, our mission is to provide the place, the tools, the education, and the guidance needed to reverse the tide of chronic illness and turn it into a sweeping tide of chronic health instead. To show those in both our local community and around the world that while medications and surgical procedures may slow the progression of many of these chronic illnesses and delay the inevitable. Healthy food, exercise and movement, quality sleep, and self care and relaxation are the most potent, most affordable, and most enjoyable forms of medicine available. Chances are that regardless of your level of fitness or whether you have a current diagnosis for chronic illness or not…it’s very likely that you are very close to someone who needs help. The Chronic Health Club is where we all come together to fight the fight and create the lifestyle changes we all need as a community…together.
Hendricks County Senior Services - Food Pantry
1201 Sycamore LN, Danville IN 46122
Must be 60 & over and reside in Hendricks County.
Monday – Friday 8 am – 4 pm. must make an appt.
Shared Blessings Food Pantry
(Danville United Methodist Church)
820 W Mill St. Danville, IN 46122
Tuesday 6 pm – 7:30 pm; Saturday 10 am – 12 noon
Proof of residency; Hendricks County residents only.
North Salem:
North Salem Christian Church - Food Pantry
6 N California St, North Salem IN 46165
1st Saturday of the month 9 am – 11 am
Eel River & Union Townships.
North Salem United Methodist Church - Food Pantry
104 W Pearl St, PO Box 238, North Salem IN 46165
1st Wednesday of the month 6pm-7pm;
3rd Saturday of the month 9 am – 11:00am
Shepherd’s Shelves Food Pantry(Pittsboro Christian Church)
209 N Meridian St. Pittsboro, IN 46167
(Enter Meridian St parking lot across from school)
1st & 3rd Saturday each month 10am -12:00pm
Hendricks County Residents Only.
Bianca Crager - EZ Keto Trainer
2498 Perry Crossing Way, Suite 240, Plainfield, IN 46168
[email protected]
The Ketogenic Diet has developed from fad to a valid healthy weight loss lifestyle. Additionally 95% of all Type II diabetics that follow a keto diet eliminate or reduce their need for medication within six months. Bianca is a certified EZ Keto trainer that offers to speak and participate in Q & As on the most efficient way to achieve and maintain ketosis through proper diet.
Graceway Fellowship - Food Pantry
8446 Co Rd 700 S, Plainfield IN. 46168
1st Monday of the month 9am – 12pm;
3rd Thursday 9am – 12pm
Serving Hendricks County; Bring proof of residency.
Health Nutrition Technology Indiana
1201 East Main Street, Suite B
Plainfield, IN 46168
(317) 489-4817
HNT comprehensively addresses each patient’s need for weight loss/maintenance through an intensive skill-building program. We focus on different skill sets such as behavior modification and complete nutrition.
St. Stephens Lutheran Church - Food Pantry
1001 Concord Rd. Plainfield, IN. 46168
4th Saturday of month 9 am – 11 am;
2nd Tuesday of the month 10am-12pm.
Hendricks County/ ID Required.
Plainfield Church Federation Food Pantry (St. Marks)
710 E Buchanan St. Plainfield IN 46168
Wed 9 am – 11:15 am, (Closed the first Wed of the Month)
First Thurs of the Month 5 pm – 7 pm
1st, 2nd, 5th Sat. 9 am – 11:00 am
Hendricks County residents, Proof of Current Address
Two Visits per month.
Stilesville Christian Church Food Pantry
8425 Morgan St. PO Box 237 Stilesville, IN. 46180
2nd Friday of the Month 12pm - 2pm;
4th Monday of the Month 5pm – 7 pm
Storehouse Food Pantry
4794 Vine St. Amo, IN. 46103
3rd Saturday of the month 10am-12pm
Clay Township Residents only.
Faith Lutheran Church - Food Pantry
5706 E. CR. 100 North, Avon IN 46123
1st Friday of the Month 5pm-7pm,
3rd Saturday of the month, 9am – 11 am or by appt.
“Choice Pantry” open to all – ID required.
Harvest Food Pantry (The Journey Church)
5250 E. US Hwy 36, Ste. 430, Avon, IN, 46123
The 1st and 3rd Monday of every month 5:00pm-7:00pm.
Light & Life Food Pantry
8264 E Co Rd 100 S, Avon IN 46123
Monday’s 1:30 pm – 4 pm; last Monday 3:30pm-6pm
Hendricks County Residents; One visit per month;
must provide photo ID.
Our Shepherd Lutheran - Food Pantry
9201 E Co Rd 100 N, Avon IN 46123
1st and 3rd Saturday 10 am – 12pm
One visit per month
Hendricks/ Marion County Zip codes:
46231 & 46234.
*Pet Food Pantry open during food pantry hours when
product is available.
Mary Lee Maier Community Pantry
Avon Intermediate School West
Thursday’s 5:00pm – 6:00pm
*Serving Avon School District families & employees.
BCSC Food & Clothing Pantry
Brownsburg Community School Corporation
725 S Green Street, Door 7A, Brownsburg, IN 46112
(317)852-5726 x2071
1st, 3rd and 5th Thursday from 3:00-5:30
Brownsburg School Families
Cornerstone Christian Church - Food Pantry
8930 N State Rd 267
Brownsburg IN 46112
1st and 3rd Saturday each month from 9-11 am
Brownsburg Residents Only.
Current Photo ID required; One Visit per Month.
Messiah Lutheran - Food Pantry
801 S Green St, Brownsburg IN 46112
Saturday’s 10am-12pm
Hendricks County Residents; One visit per month.
Active Grace Food & Hygiene Pantry
10740 E. Co Rd 700 S., Camby, IN. 46113
Open Tuesday’s 5pm-7pm; Thursday’s Noon – 2pm
Serving all of Central Indiana
Mill Creek Christian Support Center - Food Pantry
95 East Kentucky St., Clayton, IN 46118
Open every Tuesday 5 pm – 7 pm
Mill Creek school district residents only.
Hazelwood Christian Church - Food Pantry
9947 S Co Rd 0, Clayton IN 46118
3rd Monday, 1 pm – 3:00 pm
Valid ID required.
Coatesville Food Pantry
5009 S Milton St. Coatesville IN 46121
2nd Saturday, 10am – 12 noon
Serves Coatesville.
Whitestone Food Pantry
8045 W US 36, Coatesville, IN 46121
317-539-6029 / 317-223-7979
1st Saturday of month 9 am – 10:30 am
3rd Wednesday 5 pm – 6:30 pm
Marion & Floyd Twp. / Hendricks & Putnam Co.
Abundant Life Food Pantry
1003 W. Lincoln St. Danville, IN 46122
1st Friday of the Month 5pm-7pm (Food Pantry Only)
2nd Thursday of the Month, Seniors 55+, 12pm –
2pm; 54 & Under 5pm- 7pm (Clothing/Food Pantry)
Chronic Health Club
779 E Main Street Danville, IN, 46122
Phone: 317-745-5330
Monday thru Friday: 8AM to 7PM
Saturday: 9AM to 12PM
At the Chronic Health Club, our mission is to provide the place, the tools, the education, and the guidance needed to reverse the tide of chronic illness and turn it into a sweeping tide of chronic health instead. To show those in both our local community and around the world that while medications and surgical procedures may slow the progression of many of these chronic illnesses and delay the inevitable. Healthy food, exercise and movement, quality sleep, and self care and relaxation are the most potent, most affordable, and most enjoyable forms of medicine available. Chances are that regardless of your level of fitness or whether you have a current diagnosis for chronic illness or not…it’s very likely that you are very close to someone who needs help. The Chronic Health Club is where we all come together to fight the fight and create the lifestyle changes we all need as a community…together.
Hendricks County Senior Services - Food Pantry
1201 Sycamore LN, Danville IN 46122
Must be 60 & over and reside in Hendricks County.
Monday – Friday 8 am – 4 pm. must make an appt.
Shared Blessings Food Pantry
(Danville United Methodist Church)
820 W Mill St. Danville, IN 46122
Tuesday 6 pm – 7:30 pm; Saturday 10 am – 12 noon
Proof of residency; Hendricks County residents only.
North Salem:
North Salem Christian Church - Food Pantry
6 N California St, North Salem IN 46165
1st Saturday of the month 9 am – 11 am
Eel River & Union Townships.
North Salem United Methodist Church - Food Pantry
104 W Pearl St, PO Box 238, North Salem IN 46165
1st Wednesday of the month 6pm-7pm;
3rd Saturday of the month 9 am – 11:00am
Shepherd’s Shelves Food Pantry(Pittsboro Christian Church)
209 N Meridian St. Pittsboro, IN 46167
(Enter Meridian St parking lot across from school)
1st & 3rd Saturday each month 10am -12:00pm
Hendricks County Residents Only.
Bianca Crager - EZ Keto Trainer
2498 Perry Crossing Way, Suite 240, Plainfield, IN 46168
[email protected]
The Ketogenic Diet has developed from fad to a valid healthy weight loss lifestyle. Additionally 95% of all Type II diabetics that follow a keto diet eliminate or reduce their need for medication within six months. Bianca is a certified EZ Keto trainer that offers to speak and participate in Q & As on the most efficient way to achieve and maintain ketosis through proper diet.
- EZ Keto - "How to Keto" 4-Week Course" - A free low-carb and ketogenic lifestyle course that meets in Plainfield once a week each month to help people understand and make fact based decisions if either would be a practical choice for them. Click here to view May 2019 Schedule.
Graceway Fellowship - Food Pantry
8446 Co Rd 700 S, Plainfield IN. 46168
1st Monday of the month 9am – 12pm;
3rd Thursday 9am – 12pm
Serving Hendricks County; Bring proof of residency.
Health Nutrition Technology Indiana
1201 East Main Street, Suite B
Plainfield, IN 46168
(317) 489-4817
HNT comprehensively addresses each patient’s need for weight loss/maintenance through an intensive skill-building program. We focus on different skill sets such as behavior modification and complete nutrition.
St. Stephens Lutheran Church - Food Pantry
1001 Concord Rd. Plainfield, IN. 46168
4th Saturday of month 9 am – 11 am;
2nd Tuesday of the month 10am-12pm.
Hendricks County/ ID Required.
Plainfield Church Federation Food Pantry (St. Marks)
710 E Buchanan St. Plainfield IN 46168
Wed 9 am – 11:15 am, (Closed the first Wed of the Month)
First Thurs of the Month 5 pm – 7 pm
1st, 2nd, 5th Sat. 9 am – 11:00 am
Hendricks County residents, Proof of Current Address
Two Visits per month.
Stilesville Christian Church Food Pantry
8425 Morgan St. PO Box 237 Stilesville, IN. 46180
2nd Friday of the Month 12pm - 2pm;
4th Monday of the Month 5pm – 7 pm
Avon Farmers Market
Hosted by The Town of Avon: Parks and Recreation Tuesdays, June - August, from 4-7 pm South Parking Lot of the Avon Hendricks Regional Health Building |
8244 E US Highway 36
Avon, IN 46123 |
(317) 858-6069 Presented By: Town of Brownsburg Recurrence: Recurring weekly on Thursday Location: Brownsburg Town Hall Green Time: 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM |
61 N Green St.,
(317) 745-0670 Presented By: Danville Chamber of Commerce Recurrence: Recurring weekly on Saturday Location: Danville Town Square Time: 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM |
Washington Street
(East side of the Danville Square) |
Presented By: North Salem Revitalization Recurrence: Recurring weekly on Thursday Location: Town Hall Time: 5:00 PM to 7:30 PM |
5 W Pearl St,
North Salem, IN 46165 |
(317) 892-7667 Recurrence: Recurring weekly on Wednesday Location: Pittsboro United Methodist Church Time: 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM |
227 E. Main St. ,
Pittsboro, IN 46167 |
(317) 839-3800 Presented By: Plainfield Chamber of Commerce Recurrence: Recurring weekly on Wednesday Location: Plainfield Friends Meeting Church Time: 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM |
105 S. East Street,
Plainfield, IN 46168 |
Do you have an update, suggested edit, suggested deletion, or suggested addition for the resource guide? Email [email protected] OR call 317-745-9618.